The linear and uniform RGB colour space can include up to 255 x 255 x 255 = 16,581,375 colours, far exceeding the
capabilities of the human eye in the 400 - 700 nm wavelength interval. In colour rendering technique, each pixel
contains information about the trichromatic components red, green and blue, specific to additive mixes, in [r g b] form
with each component value ranging between 0 and 255 or in standard form, in which case the colour cube faces are
even. From the standpoint of the colour designer, any random colour can be characterised by hue, lightness and,
saturation. The interpretation of the values of these basic features by digital image analysis is important in industrial
practice for correcting printed designs and also for the technological analysis of print quality. The paper presents three
methods of comparative analysis of trichromatic digital image and possibilities of retouching.