During the research period at the Vasile Adamachi station in Iaşi, an apple orchard was studied during two years of research.In order to draw up the structure and ecological parameters representative of the invertebrate entomofauna in the plantation, six Barber-type soil traps were set, and during the research species belonging to the orders Coleoptera (Dermestes laniarius, Polydrosus amoenus, Tomoxia biguttata, Anisodacty) were collected. Harpalus distinguendus, Armadillidium vulgare, Galeruca pomonae, Pseudophonus rufipes), Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants), Arahnida, Heteroptera (Pyrhocorris sp.), Lepidoptera, Gastropoda (snails) and Isoptera.Following the centralization of the number of specimens and the species collected, it could be observed that the values obtained were significantly close in the two years of research, in the plantation under study.