The objective of the current research was to investigate the changes during maturation of cherries (Prunus avium L.). The studies were conducted in the commercial orchard of the Republic of Moldova, at Vindex-Agro SRL, Orhei (47 ° 46'S, 29 ° 13'E) during the three and four years of cherry tree fructification. The orchard was established in autumn 2011 with cherry trees of Ferrovia and Regina varieties, grafted on Gisela 6 rootstock, at a planting distance of 4x2.5 m. The trees are formed according to the Slender Spindle Ameliorated system. Experience includes four rehearsals of eight trees each (n = 32). Fruit recording and evaluation was performed during the ripening period, according to the color of the skin, according to the CTIFL Colored Color (Yellowish-pink, Very light red, Red Bright red color, Dark red, Dark brown-red, Dark brown) and the content of soluble solids content (SSC). By deduction and calculation, the notion of calculating the cherry diameter was introduced in fruit growing knowing their mass. The last weeks before harvest, from the time the fruits begin to mature and the color of the skin changes from green to yellowish, a period determines fruit development and orchard productivity. In this period, as the fruit grows, their diameter increases, but with a much lower rhythm.