The Central and Eastern European countries have been in transition for almost three decades from the centralized
economy to a free market economy. This period has produced profound, positive and negative transformations in all
aspects of socio-economic and cultural life in these countries.
In this context, the EU Agropuzzle 3 and Beekeeping projects have set out to identify in the partner countries of these
projects (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania) business ideas, implemented or under implementation,
which can be taken as successful examples for the socio-economic and cultural revitalization of localities and rural
communities. In this regard, the paper presents examples of vegetal and animal production farms and agricultural
processing enterprises as economic support of localities and rural communities, as well as agro-tourism and
entertainment units with economic effects but also for valorisation local, historical and cultural traditions.
Emphasis is placed on the essential role of local government and educational institutions in the formation of the
entrepreneurial spirit of the rural population in order to develop new business ideas.