The biggest differences which separate Romania from the EU average
or from other countries are related to: - The high percentage of the rural
population from the total population of the country; - The percentage of the
occupied population in agriculture; - The small agricultural surface for an
occupied person; - The small value of the agricultural production per
occupied person, per hectare and per exploitation; - The small percentage of
the expenses for the services from the rural environment; - The low level of
the incomes compared to the country average; - The low level of the salaries
for the employees from agriculture (under 70% from the average salary per
economy); - The high level of the expenses for food from the total family
expenses; - The level of feminization and ageing of the occupied population
from agriculture; - The high percentage of the vegetal production from the
total agricultural production; - The insignificant percentage of the services
from the agricultural production; - The small average size of the agricultural
exploitation, etc.