In Romania, the pasture ecosystems have a special importance in
agronom economy, because represents the main food for zootehny. Thus,
from about 15,000 ha farming surface, about 33% is occupied by natural
pastures. Our preliminary research performed in pastures from central
region of Moldavia which were exploited in a non-rational and inadequare
mode have showed that some plants with small fodder qualities or which
have the capacity to synthesize some toxic substances for animals, has been
multiplied very much becoming invasive weeds (Lepidium draba, Euphorbia
cyparissias, Artemisia sp., etc), wich decrease dramatically the productivity
of the ecosystems. The observations were made in year 2008 in a natural
pasture from the department of Iassy, norteast of Romania. This paper
presents the observations regarding the biological control agents (% attack
by gall mite Aceria drabae) which can limitate the Lepidium draba