The aim of investigation was to evaluate the influence of different
PGR on plant height of winter wheat, grain yield and protein content in grain
of two winter wheat varieties under Lithuanian conditions.
The stands of winter wheat varieties ‘Ada’ and ‘Zentos’ were sprayed
with the gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitors chlormequat chloride (CCC),
trinexapac - ethyl (TE) or with ethylene releasing mepiquatchloride +
ethephon (MQEH) and ethephon (ETH) four times at BBCH 27-29, BBCH
32-33, BBCH 37-39, and BBCH 39-45.
The effect of plant growth regulators (PGR) on grain formation of
winter wheat was ambiguous and depended on year and varieties of winter
Highest decrease in plant height of winter wheat were obtained in
treatments, wherein for the first time of application CCC at rate of 1 L ha-1
and for the second - Modus 0.4 L ha-1
, Terpal C 0.7 L ha-1
, or Cerone 0.5 L
at BBCH 39 – 45 were used.