As part of ecosystem, between biotope and biocenosis they achieve
reversible and permanent changes of substances, energy and informations,
depending on the local and regional specific. In this paper we present the
results of the ecopedological researches accomplished in the natural and
anthropogenic pasture ecosystems located in the Moldavian Plain, Deleni,
county Iasi. Consequently, we analysed a „constellation” of 20 main
ecological factors and determinants, climatic and pedological, through 8
classes of ecological size from a quantitative point of view and 6 classes of
ecological favourability from a qualitative point of view. On the basis of the
ecolgical specificity files we pointed out the main lacks and excesses, climatic
and pedological of the soil resources (the summer season extremely drought,
the hard soil consistency in the summer season, the fine texture, the low level
of soil aeration), in the ecological context. In addition to this overgrazing
with negative effects on the soil resources.