The natural conditions extremely favorable from Romania and
Republic of Moldova, near the Danube Delta and the Black Sea, in latitudes
similar to those in France, have favored over the time an expansion of lands
cultivated with vines. Viticulture and wine production were basic occupations of
people from this territory. Over time under the influence of many climatics,
economics and historicals factors were obtained grape varieties adapted to the
local conditions. Certain viticultural practices have been developed who
contributed to the individualisation of wine from two different geographical
areas. Wine made from Băbească neagră and Fetească neagră two local
varieties cultivated in Romania and Republic of Moldova differentiates both by
physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics, the aim of this paper being a
comparative analysis of physicochemical composition and organoleptic
properties of these wines. As a result for physico-chemical and organoleptic
assays of Fetească neagră si Babească neagră wines from Iasi and Chateau
Vartely vineyards, significant differences were identified.