Covurlui Plateau has a big part of Galati county being located in the
central and northern part of it. It is an area with an important agricultural,
economic and social potential because of the available resources.
The undertaken study makes a diagnosis structures of the main
resources at its disposal area, i.e the natural, agricultural and demographic
resources, as well as those aimed at infrastructure.
The relief area is characterized by high plain, with a temperate
continental climate. As regards the soils, there is a large variety,
predominating the chernozems in different stages of decomposition.
Agricultural area is 116638 ha, representing about a third of the
county’s agricultural area. The arable land holds the weight-78.0%,
followed by natural pastures-16.4% vineyards-5.2% -- and orchards 0.4%.
The private sector represents 94.9% of the area.
As regards the structure of the crops, the grain seeds occupy 62.4%,
of which the maize seeds 36.1% surfaces are occupied by sunflower and
rapeseed oil, which together have 20.4% other crops hold under 5% of the
From the organizational point of view, the agriculture zone comprises
all types of structures. The share agricultural area of the area have
individual households with 60.2% followed by agricultural companies with
25.3% The rest holding structures, each, below the surface 6%.
The average yields are far from the potential of the soils because, in
particular, of lack of irrigations. At wheat for consumption – 3000 kg/ha, at
agrain maize – 2200 kg/ha, soy– 1200 kg/ha, sunflower1100 kg/ha,
vegetables 14000 kg/ha.
In the area, the vineyards hold 6126 ha, 39% of the area with vines of
the county, with an average production of 4220 kg/ha, orchards occupy 470
ha, with an average production of 2500 kg/ha.