ALSERepository of Iași University of Life Sciences, ROMANIA

Browsing 2022 by Subject "allelopathic properties"

Browsing 2022 by Subject "allelopathic properties"

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  • Calara, Mariana; Munteanu, Neculai; Avasiloaiei, Dan-Ioan; Brezeanu, Creola; Brezeanu, Petre-Marian; Ambăruș, Silvica; Stoleru, Vasile; Stan, Teodor; Teliban, Gabriel-Ciprian; Bute, A. (Editura ”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, 2022)
    The aim of the present work was to evaluate the influence of some allelopathic species in weed control. Field experiments were conducted to assess the allelopathic potential of five species. Two experimental variants have ...