Cherry and sour cherry are fruit trees, whose fruits appear first on the market. Both diseases and pests negatively influence the growth and development of fruits, the quality of fruit declining considerably, which brings important financial damage. Research on the knowledge of micoflora and fauna of cherry and cherry culture was carried out in C.D.E. USAMV - Bucharest. Diseases and pests frequently found on cherry and cherry are: blossom blight and cherry bite. To identify the fruit affected by blossom blight, the trees were examined, determining the frequency (F), the intensity (I) and the degree of attack (D.A.%) calculated. The yellow cherry on the Vega variety was placed on the cherry, and the cherry on the Wanda variety. Observations made on cherry blossom blight showed that Celeste was the most affected, with a 33% attack frequency, an intensity of 17.3% and an attack rate of 5.7%. The Sam, Vega and Giant red varieties exhibited a very high esistance
to the blossom bligh attack. The most attacking species was Nana with a frequency of 37.5%. As a result of catches made on Rhagoletis cerasi, the first catches were recorded on 26.04 (5 specimens/trap), with a maximum flight of 11 specimens/trap on 16.05, after which the number of catches began to fall up to 5 specimens/trap (13.06). In crush the maximum catch was recorded on 29.05, 13 insects/trap.