Without any doubt, through their behaviour, leaders have a major impact on people, culture, society, but not least on the performance of an organization. All programes that require organizational changes start from the premises of first understanding the fact that the influence of people that hold the authority is vital for the company᾽s succes. At the level of an organization, leadership development starts by first making an evaluation plan on all its levels. It is of extreme importance starting with a research-action approach, so as to be able to project leadership skills and ways they can be improved. Research – based actions use the gathered data to involve every person in the organization and understand its role (testing phase) and then project practical actions throughout awareness, acceptance and actios, and finally changes, that are recommended to the superior managemen t (the action phase). The present analysis aims to highlight the importance of projections that are made on a research basis and conduct to efficiency and productivity in a proactively way. Projecting leadership abilities in a company influences the entire organization, from an individual person to a group and finally to the entire organization. The paper also focuses on showing how internal personal changes can influence the whole sistem, make it sensitive to external changes and able to quickly adapt.