The paper presents the results of research on water losses from the pipe network of irrigation plots still in the exploitation
phase in Romania. These plotters have a long service life, considering their creation about 40-50 years ago. The advanced
degree of wear and tear of network components, especially pipes and hydrants, led to the occurrence and maintenance of
water losses. The assessment of water losses is done directly on site by measurements on the pipe network. The simulation
of water losses is carried out by using appropriate calculation programs in this field (Epanet and its extensions, Hydra,
AutoCad, ArcMap), with the use of databases created in Excel and Word. The simulation requires a complex data base
collected from the field, from the design documentation and from the network operation process. The input data required in
the analysis program are represented by sets of word, excel, .xlș and .dxf files and so on. The results obtained by
simulation are exported in tables, graphs, curves of variation of hydraulic parameters and other.