The species Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte (western corn rootworm) is part of the order Coleoptera, family
Chrysomelidae and is an invasive alien species native to Central or South America. In Europe, it was reported in 1992,
and in Romania in 1995. The attack produced by the species Diabrotica virgifera virgifera significantly reduces maize
production, the pest being a carrier of various pathogens that cause crop plant diseases (Bacal et al, 2020). In the present
paper, are presented partial results regarding the appearance, evolution and flight of adults of the species Diabrotica
virgifera virgifera, respectively, the attack that the insect produces in the maize crops in the Central area of Moldova. In
the year 2021, the flight of this species began in the first decade of July and continued until the third decade of
September. The maximum flight peak was achieved in the third decade of July, being 180 specimens/trap. In the year
2022, the flight of the species started in the first decade of July and continued until the end of September. The
maximum flight peak was recorded in the first decade of August, when a number of 182 specimens/trap were collected.
In the year 2022, a maize silk attack frequency of between 85% and 100% was recorded. From the results obtained in
2022, the treatment carried out on the vegetation with insecticides reduced the number of adults per plant from 1.6
specimens to 0.1 specimens.