The paper reveals the results of a study undertaken in two agricultural units located in the N-E of Romania. The units currently exploit areas of 12,000 ha, respectively 2000 ha of arable land, placing them as large, industrialized agricultural units, with agro technologies at European standards and last generation machinery, and also having irrigation systems that serve for an important surface of their total. The units practice an efficient management, implementing an integrated model for their business. Group Şerban is located in Bacău county and cultivates straw cereals and corn to support their bakery and pastry field, and oleaginous and beans for their chicken farm, and Domeniile Lungu is a farm located in Iaşi county and sets as one of the biggest grapes producer of the area, due to a modern irrigation system and important branding and marketing activity. The Şerban Poultry Farm was started in 2008 and has now three chicken farms, with a capacity of 4,100,000 broiler chicken/year and 400,000 slow-growing chicken/year, with dedication for the quality of their products and market changes, show a flexible and efficient management, making several decisions for optimizing the financial indicators. Domeniile Lungu, that was started in 2006, uses 132 ha to grow several types of wine grapes and inaugurated in 2014 a winery that produces wine at the best standards, with two processing lines of 100 tones/day and a storage potential of 2 million l. A series of leadership styles analysis and organizational structure are studied in this paper, showing the impact of farm management in productivity and efficiency indicators.