This paper includes the results obtained after testing in multiannual comparative crops of a twelve national varieties of
winter wheat, thus aiming to introduce into the crop genotypes that have high adaptability to pedo–climatic conditions
specific to Central Moldova and thus a stability of production. These tests were performed at Agricultural Research –
Development Station Secuieni, and the material used in the field experience came from National Agricultural Reasearch
and Development Institute Fundulea and Agricultural Research – Development Station Turda The studied genotypes
showed the following variation of the average production: 4109 kg/ha (2019) – 3522 kg/ha (2020) – 8711 kg/ha (2021).
The low productivity in the first two years of experimentation is the result of unfavorable climatic conditions for winter
wheat cultivation characterized in the first agricultural year (2018 – 2019) by a dry autumn and in the second
agricultural year (2019 – 2020) by a dry spring. The Semnal variety presented the highest average productivity (6501
kg/ha) and a notable adaptability to unfavorable environmental conditions, which is why we recommend it to be
introduced in the zonal culture.