The researches were organized in 2018-2019 at the Moldoveni Agricultural Society, Neamt County. In the agricultural year 2018, the genotypes experienced did not show a high adaptability to the pedoclimatic conditions of the area, obtaining yields below 1500 kg/ha. Compared to 2018, the yields obtained in 2019 were higher, this was due to the
excess of precipitation registered in May of approximately 30 mm. The yields varied between 1297 kg/ha (Teleorman variety) and 1548 kg/ha (Cristian variety). During in the period under study, the highest yield increases (38 kg/ha, respectively 127 kg/ha), compared to the control (average experience) were obtained for the variants sown in the first and second epochs, which results that the castor being favorable for sowing until the second half of April.