The principal measure for raising the economic
profitableness from the sheep breeding section was to increase the lamb
number from each female of the livestock, easy to accomplish by increasing
the reproduction activity and the precociousness of the young sheep during
that specific time. For using in reproduction the young females, without
affecting the further body development, a special attention will be paid to
the breeding technology, so that the sexual maturity be installed as soon as
possible. As concerns the age and optimum weight of the young females ,
there was a large variety between populations. As for age, the complex
research suggests for almost all the breeds an interval of 6 – 8 months, but
it can be postponed until the age of 18 months. The situation of young
females, proceeded from late lambing has shown that they could conceive
from the first autumn, at the age of 4 months. As concerns the weight, the
reproduction could take place without negative repercussions, when a
body development of at least 60 – 70% from the one typical to the adult
sheep like Merino- type, was reached and of 50 – 60% for the fertile type
and English mutton-type sheep.