The minimum absolute temperatures from the Cotnari
vineyard fell below the endurance limit of the varieties during the winter
2005/2006, until -26oC (on 19 February , 2006) and they affected the main
buds at a proportion of 76.7% in the case of Fetească albă variety, and
74.1% in the case of Francuşă variety.The loss of the main buds was
compensated by the fructification cutting, the viability and fertility of the
secondary buds, so that the calculated production potential could reach
9693 kg/hectare in the case of Grasă de Cotnari variety, 14348 kg/hectare
in the case of Fetească albă variety, 17684 kg/hectare in the case of
Tamâioasa romanească variety and 12363 kg/hectare in the case of
Fracuşă variety.