From the viewpoint of the total natural grassland area, Romania is found on the
fifth place in Europe, after France, Great Britain, Spain and Germany. In the present strategy
of using organic fertilizers on permanent grasslands, there are economic and ecological
concerns, which main aims are resource saving and environment protection, and less
important ones, yield increases. The experiment has investigated the influence of organic
fertilizers, applied each year or every 2-3 years, at rates of 10-40 Mg ha-1, in a Festuca
valesiaca grassland, situated at the height of 107 m, at Ezăreni-Iasi County, and at rates of 10-
30 Mg ha-1, in an Agrostis capillaris+Festuca rubra grassland, situated at the height of 707 m
at Pojorîta-Suceava County, on yield and flower composition.