The investigations conducted on three groups of dairy cows with mammites,
found at different stages of lactation, pointed out the correlations between the number of
somatic cells from milk and some of its constituents, represented by the content in total dry
matter, total proteins, lipids, lactose, casein and chlorides. Analysing the number of somatic
cells and the milk constituents, we found the presence of the positive ( + 0.91 ; + 0.96 ) and
significant correlations ( p≤ 0.05 ) between the number of somatic cells and the evolution of
the content in chlorides from milk in all the three groups of cows, which indicates that once
with the increase in the number of somatic cells, the number of chlorides has proportionally
increased, and the negative (-0.89; -0.96) and significant correlations (p≤0.05) between the
number of somatic cells and the milk production, the content in lactose (-0.91; -0.96 and p≤
0.05), casein (-0.87; -0.97 and p≤ 0.05), total proteins (-0.82; -0.93 and p≤ 0.05) and the fat
content(-0.65; -0.91 and p≤ 0.05).