This paper presents the influence of cold plasma on mitotic division in Triticum aestivum L. Cold plasma is a fourth
state of matter existing in the universe. Cold plasma electrodes was produced by a GlidArc, in the absence of water
vapor. This study aimed to highlight the role of water vapor in the cold plasma upon the cells mitotic. Wheat seeds were
exposed by cold plasma in four time: 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 20 minutes and 40 minutes, resulting in four experimental
variants, which were compared with a control. Seeds treated with cold plasma were put to germinate and root meristems
were used for cytogenetic analysis. Cytogenetic analysis had aimed to establish the mitotic index and any possible
chromosomal aberrations. Cold plasma without water vapor has a inhibitory effect on mitotic division in root meristems
of wheat, reducing the value of mitotic index in direct correlation with proportional action during cold plasma. Cells
reacted differently in each mitotic phase in cold plasma action: cell proportions metaphases and anaphases are reduced
compared to the control, compared with prophase and telophase cells. Mitotic index was affected very significantly in
all experimental cases. Chromosomal aberrations induced by cold plasma in the absence of the water vapors, were
insignificant in frequency. In experimental variants with 20 minutes and 40 minutes, they were not induced. This
phenomenon is explained by the absence of water vapor during the performance of cold plasma treatment. The present
study highlights the major role of this water vapor during production of cold plasma on cell mitogen. Water vapor
potentiates the mutagenic effect of cold plasma