The influence of long-term
fertilization on wheat and maize yield and
soil fertility has investigated at the
Agricultural Research and Development
Station of Podu – Iloaiei, since 1967. These
experiments were carried out on a 14 %
slope field, with clayey loam texture (418 g
clay, 324 g loam and 258 g sand), a neuter
to weakly acid reaction and a mean nutrient
supply. Within the experiment, the
following rotation schemes have been
followed: wheat and maize continuous
cropping, two-year rotation (wheat-maize),
three-year rotation (peas-wheat-maize) and
four-year rotation + reserve field cultivated
with legumes and perennial grasses (alfalfa
+ Lolium or Sainfoin + Bromus). The use of
3 and 4 year- rotations with annual and
perennial meliorate plants has resulted in
yield increases of 28.8 – 31.5 % (742 – 811
kg/ha) in wheat and 29.0-32.5% (1270-1420
kg/ha) in maize, as compared to continuous
cropping. The investigations conducted on
16% slope fields, by means of erosion
control plots, have shown that mean annual
of soil losses by erosion were between 3.095
and 6.717 t/ha in row crops and between
0.548 and 1.779 t/ha in wheat and peas