Buckthorn oil contains many of the elements essential for health:
vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium and iron. All
these precious ingredients are added and essential fatty acids omega-3, omega-
6, omega-7 and omega-9. Buckthorn is a natural source of antioxidants and
therefore its effectiveness to protect against oxidative stress has been shown by
some researchers. The antioxidant properties of seabuckthorn were determined
in vitro by Geetha, Sai Ram Singh Ilavazhagan, and Sawhney (2012). The
research included 31 patients with mild cognitive impairment and medium
recruit and private clinic of patients with psychiatric profile during 1 june -30
august 2014 following two lots First lot included 20 patients receiving specific
medication and capsules antidemential seabuckthorn oil (900 mg) and lot II
(control group) included 11 patients being treated with medication specific
antidemential. I noticed a significant improvement in oxidative status by
modifying SOD (p = 0.001) and cognitive status by modifying the MMSE
(p≤0.001) reduced .Antioxidants are an important adjunct in the treatment of
mild cognitive impairment and media.