The coefficient of permeability is an important parameter in soil mechanics and it is influenced mostly by soil structure,
soil particle distribution, soil porosity and soil water content. Permeability is primarily an indicator of the capacity of
soil to store water.In the technical and engineering the knowledge of permeability coefficient is required for irrigation,
flow modeling, soil compaction, contaminant migration, forecast landslides etc.Several general functions were used to
describe empirical measurements of permeability function. Theoretical developments have provided support for
numerous empirical relationships. The objective of this paper is to establish a connection between structural stability
and soil permeability. Knowledge of soil pore size is important for infiltration rate (soil water movement), and rate of
percolation (water movement through the soil). Size and number of pores influences soil texture and structure, which in
their turn affects soil permeability. To evaluate the effect of soil structure on permeability were determined pore size
distribution, aggregate stability and suction curve. Coefficient of permeability can be measured either directly (using
Darcy's law) or through empirical formulas. Permeability coefficient of saturated soil is determined by the number of
pores (pore volume / volume solid part). Incompressible unsaturated soil permeability coefficient is determined by the
degree of saturation. Soil permeability in natural setting is extremly variable and difficult to measure, so measurements
are performed in the laboratory. Permeability changes can provide early warning of soil degradation, risk of flooding
and erosion. It also is an indicator of water potential and nutrient availability to plants.