In conditions of Moldova, with the complicated geomorphological structure, one of the processes that have caused and
causes deterioration in the present intensive soil cover, the default ambient environment is soil erosion. Critical level of
soils humification of Moldova show off preserving and the increase of humus content, first of all, in soils affected by
erosion. Purpose of the study was to evaluate the morphological structure and humus content of the soils with different
degree of erosion from reception basin "Negrea" carried out based on the data of the six principal soil profiles. The data
obtained confirmed that catchment erosion territory "Negrea" is the main factor irrecoverable destruction of agricultural
soil profile and reduced their production capacity. Soil is the main natural resource of the Republic of Moldova on
which her food security, economic potential and welfare of the people. In general, we emphasize that soil erosion is the
most urgent, the most acute and even the most threatening problem. Of the mentioned we consider that, in conditions of
Moldova, erosion control is decisive in diminishing measure of soil degradation process. Aim of the researches
envisaged was in highlighting the particularities genetic, assessment of negative modifications soil characteristics of the
reception basin in the erosion result of erosion and appreciation of quality of the different agricultural use. According to
the research carried out it was found that the soil cover of reception basin "Negrea" is exemplification of unity durable
of the interaction soil, vegetation, environment and man in a one hilly region. The conservation reserves of humus are
vital to Moldova's agriculture.