The asexual form of the fungus Mycosphaerella attacks most species of pine trees and produces major damage in the
woody nursery. This pathogen has had only seven years after the first infection in Tanzania to reach nurseries in central
or eastern Africa. Global losses resulting from epidemics in the world were major. There were losses of 67% to Pinus
radiata trees 7-8 years of age in California, total losses of P. ponderosa trees in most eastern states of the United States
of America and 40% loss of trees P. flexilis in Montana (Taylor, Schwandt, 1998). Within this paper observations were
performed in the laboratory and in the field, determinations were made based on symptoms and morphological
characteristics of the fungus. To achieve these observations and measurements samples were taken every ten days for
three months from The Botanical Garden of Iaşi, from the species Pinus nigra and Pinus cembra damaged by
Dothistroma septosporum.