The sex pheromone testing of maize pest - Diabrotica virgifera (8-methyl-2-decanilpropionate) synthesized in
IGFPP by Dr. hab KOVALIOV B. G. (2008) was carried out during the years 2008 - 2012 on maize
plantations, Velyka Bakta village, Beregovo district, and Onokovtsy village, Uzhgorod district (Ukraine). The
testing was subject to different doses in the sections of rubber tube (1, 2, 3 mg), and different forms of sticky
traps (“Delta” type, “Cardboard tube”, “Open-type” - pieces of laminated cardboard “Tetrapac” of different
sizes). The most attractive dose of the pheromone was of 1 mg, which attracted on the average 2163 males on
a trap during the flight (June 24, 2008 – October 03, 2008). While the doses with 2 and 3 mg have attracted
697 and 533 individuals respectively. The most attractive tested traps were “Open-type 44 cm x 29 cm”,
which attracted 70% of caught males. The attraction of males at traps was between 6 a.m. up to 6 p.m. hours,
with a peak from 9 up to 12 a.m. Mass copulation takes place from 12 a.m. up to 4 p.m. and then occurs egg
laying till 10 p.m.. Based on the obtained results, is proposed using of pheromone traps for monitoring and
regulation the density population of D. virgifera by method of mass catching of male.