Seed dormancy provides a
mechanism for plants to delay germination
until conditions are optimal for survival of
the next generation. Dormancy release is
regulated by a combination of
environmental and endogenous signals with
both synergistic and competing effects. In
many cases, viable seeds are called dormant,
when they are simply not germinating.
Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. (wild celery)
is a medicinal plant (kind of umbelliferous)
of Iran. Seeds of K. odoratissima often
germinate poorly in the nursery, because of
their seeds have a dormancy. Thus
shortening the dormancy and increasing
germination with laboratory methods can be
effective in restoring the plant. The
objective of this research was to evaluate
the effect different methods of breaking of
dormancy on germination of Kelussia
odoratissima. Experiments used were
stratification (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks),
stratification and gibberellin and
stratification and nitrate potassium. Results
showed that stratification, stratification and
gibberellin and stratification and nitrate
potassium increased germination
characteristics and catalase and ascorbate
peroxidase activity. The highest germination
percentage, seedling length, seedling dry
weight and catalase and ascorbate
peroxidase activity were attained from
stratification and gibberellin 500 ppm and
stratification and nitrate potassium 1%. In
general, results showed that stratification
and gibberellic acid (500 ppm) is the best
treatment for breaking of Kelussia
odoratissima Mozaff. seed dormancy and in
seeds antioxidant enzymes could trigger