From a two years old female Anas plathyrynchos bird, with a live body weight of 1685 grams, we collected several samples histological from the Pectoralis superficialis muscle (PS). Samples were processed by the paraffin sectioning technique yielding a few histological slides with the muscle cross sections mentioned above with HEA coloration. The sections have been studied on an MC3 optical microscope (OM), which previously has been adjusted and calibrated. In microscopic field we made 1234 micrometer determinations, measuring both myocytes diameters (large and small) and their number of 17 primary muscle fascicles (PMF) within 5 secondary muscle fascicles (SMF).We determined the values of: myocytes average diameter and perimeter, and the size/shape index and their profile index.We have obtained the following results: the large diameter of myocytes of the 5 SMF ranged from 46.164μ to 53.862, with an average value of 49.759μ. The small diameter of myocytes from studied SMF was between 29.612μ and 34.84μ and the average value for this character was 31.808μ. The average diameter of myocytes from 5 SMF studied ranged between 38.359μ and 43.182μ, with an average value of 40.783μ. The myocytes average perimeter of the 5 SMF studied was 128.121μ, and for those two indicators that define the profile and format of myocytes (Fi = 1,614 / 1; Pi = 65.99 %), the mean of the 5 SMF indicate an cylindroid shape with the flattening tendency (oval shape). The differences between the average values of the five SMF studied for the 6 parameters analyzed were found to be very statistically significant at a rate of 46.67 % and statistically insignificant in proportion of 53.33 % .