The research ware made for three years, 2012-2015 in two plum plantations in Iasi, beloning to the Teaching Station
Vasile Adamachi stationary located in Iasi at Rivers timpuriu and Stanley variety. For the gathering of traps were used
the soil traps type Barber who were completed with a formalin solution in a 4-5% concentration. The traps functioned in
each of the 3 years of research, from May to September. The gathering was done separately, on each of the 6 used trap
and fauna species collected were selected only carabide (Coleoptera-Carabidae), which were then determined. The
species collected were calculated a number of ecological indexes, such as abundance (A), consistency (C) dominance
(D), the index of ecological significance (W). Among the species collected in the period research include: Harpalus
distinguendus, Anisodactylus signatus, Carabus coriaceus, Calathus melanocephalus, Carabus scabriusculus, etc.