Potato growing technology, along with agro-technical methods, well known and appreciated, includes a lot of new
items. Permanent is performed adding new varieties possessing diverse resistance to pests and diseases, requiring a
corresponding special suspension related to pesticide use. In this connection, it is necessary to develop an integrated
complex of measures to protect potato crop pests, diseases and weeds. From the whole complex of diseases of potato,
the most common and the most dangerous are: blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans fungus phytopathogenic and
brown staining of leaves of potato - phytopathogens fungus Alternaria solani. Attack frequency and intensity of these
diseases depends largely by the hereditary peculiarities of the variety, plant capacity to resist and environmental
conditions. Therefore, it is not coincidences that in wet years or on the irrigated plots, the development of these diseases
often take on a epifitotic character. In this context the above mentioned diseases require multilateral study, being
constantly in the scientists' attention in Moldova.