The size of the values of the parameters that characterize the quality of the seed from the aspect of thephysiological and physical manifestation, has a very important role in the measures to improve the cultivation technologies for obtaining safe and superior harvests qualitatively and quantitatively, therefore it is necessary to promote a seed with high biological value, high production capacity, resistance to diseases, pests and stress conditions. The particularity of the seeds destined for sowing is that they can be kept in different forms for a longer period of time, offering the safety of production. Analysing the data by the size of the range and the size of the coefficient of variation (Cv) it can be seen that there are obvious differences between the variants, regarding the value of these indicators. There were large decreases in the values of the index the force registered in this stage "after 12 months", in the variant treated with fungicide + insecticide, except for Turda 200 and Turda Star hybrids.